
Pamela Matthews - Grail Graphics - Serapis Bey

Ascended Master Serapis Bey

  Serapis Bey was painted for the Aura-Soma New Aeon Tarot. Purchase full set of Ascended Masters A4 prints >>Purchase Serapis Bey A4 print >> SERAPIS BEY – the Clear Pearl Master   Brings clarity of vision, seeing things in a new fresh way Provides depth of understanding into conflict, pain and suffering Helps one…

Pamela Matthews: Grail Graphics - Visionary Surrealism, Spiritual Art, Symbolism, Archetypes

Sophia’s Web

Pamela was pleased to allow the use of the Goddess image “Sophia – Peace Through Wisdom” on the cover of Burl and Merry Hall’s recent book “Sophia’s Web”, available on Amazon More than a revelation of Sophia as Divine Source and container of all, the authors offer a clear elucidation of a new paradigm of…

Pamela Matthews: Grail Graphics - Visionary Surrealism, Spiritual Art, Symbolism, Archetypes

Draw Yourself a Tree

Draw Yourself a Tree takes you through the process and practice of creating your own archetypal tree image. Once you start working with the basic principles of the process you will find your own natural way forward. This book has now been reprinted in colour and extended to offer you an insight into the symbolism…

Pamela Matthews: Grail Graphics - Visionary Surrealism, Spiritual Art, Symbolism, Archetypes

Happy Solstice

Where ever you are! Whether you are celebrating the shortest or longest day it is a turning point to celebrate or to just to be aware of… The archangels whose energies work together in polarity at this time are Uriel and Gabrielle. Uriel the Summer and Gabrielle the Winter – Beauty and Love. May you…

Modern and Alternative Therapies Healing Initiation by Pamela Matthews:

Dealing with Health Issues – Juggling Modern and Alternative Therapies

Most people who are lucky enough to be long-lived are presented with the challenge of dealing with a health issue and a reminder of their own mortality, so people try to take care of their health by being physically active with programs from various sites and using products and other supplements. Theories about “why” and…

Reconciliation of the Sexes by Pamela Matthews: Visionary Art

What is a Soul Mate

It is someone to whom you relate at a soul or spiritual level, as distinct from physical, mental or emotional levels. There are any number of people you can have a close physical relationship with, a lesser number with whom you are mentally and/or emotionally compatible; and relatively few potential ‘Soul-Mates’. A Soul-Mate is a…

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