Dealing with Health Issues – Juggling Modern and Alternative Therapies
Most people who are lucky enough to be long-lived are presented with the challenge of dealing with a health issue and a reminder of their own mortality, so people try to take care of their health by being physically active with programs from various sites and using products and other supplements.
Theories about “why” and “how” to handle the healing process become a reality rather than a topic of ideological conversation. Last year I had this challenge with breast cancer and I juggled between modern medical practices and alternative therapies. What did I choose? Both.
Gifts from the medical and complementary healing worlds
- Surgery, radiotherapy, cancer-inhibiting drugs
- Colour, energy and kinesiology techniques of my friend Catherine North’s ‘Soul Power’
- ART THERAPY, at home, this being my natural mode!
Spirit stopped me in my tracks with a broken leg – making me stop, take notice and learn. I drew pictures every day and this became the backdrop to all the other things happening to my body, mind and emotions.
It gave my spiritual self a place to process the events and express itself. These pictures are very brightly coloured, drawn and painted in ‘Inktense’ pencils. I would encourage anyone in a similar situation to draw also – very beneficial, any medium would work.
Eventually I turned my pictures into a little colour book titled ‘The Healing Initiation’ which follows my journey. Copies of this limited edition are available while stocks last in the Shop.
Blessings and good health to you all.